We are two tenant associations who joined together to defend ourselves against a corporate real estate investment hydra that seeks to expel us from our homes in order to maximize their profits.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Predator in the Hall

This guy got into the building today and was lurking about in the halls for a couple of hours. He was on my floor knocking on doors. A loud aggressive knock with something metal in his had. He knocked the way the police do, but he was clearly no cop. No one answered their doors if they were home. He didn't knock on my door. He stayed on my floor for about 45 minutes taking pictures of each rent stabilized apartment door with his iPhone. Not just one picture, but 8 or 9 pictures of each of those doors. He took a lot of notes regarding the pix he was taking. He was big too. About 6 foot 4 and overly heavy. A cheap dark topcoat with a red sweat shirt underneath.  Not real friendly looking. I was not able to make out what his deal was. Since Ben Shaoul and Fortune East have taken our buildings, there have been a  lot of these menacing suspect characters wandering the halls of 118 and 120 East 4th Street.


  1. Obviously documenting the fact that there was no answer to build a case that the people don't really live there so they can be evicted. Tell your neighbors to answer their door next time.

    1. I think most of the tenants were at work. This person was snooping and gathering info.

  2. Call the police, as far as you know they're trespassing.

    1. Calling the police is the thing to do, but there has been this kind of stranger wandering the halls of 118 and 120 E4th for about a year now. Not sure we can call the police every single week, can we? It would be like the boy who cried wolf.

    2. (Different anonymous) Strangers in the hallway...... well, some of 'em are new tenants, actually, but they wouldn't be knocking on or photographing doors. Still, shouldn't Someone ask them who they are before the police are called? To dampen down the wolf-calling factor a trace. Lack of knowledge is a principal cause of paranoia. And a telephone camera isn't a gun.

    3. I think we should call the cops on that Josh Slepian/ Evans/ Greene person. He says he manages the building to some and then says he owns it. All this is false. False name, false occupation. Call the cops and get a restraining order against him.

    4. It's not "crying wolf", and there's no need to call the police every week, just once to let the guy identify himself and his business to them. If he doesn't live in the building he has no business there (unless it's his building). And maybe doing this would help build a case in the future regarding tenants being harassed, if that's what's going on.

  3. It seems silly to be hiding in your apartment taking pictures through your peephole. Why not open your door and challenge this guy? You have every right to ask who a stranger in your building is! If he's working for your landlord, he certainly isn't going to get violent with you...that would be stupid.

  4. I didn't see this guy but I've seen lots of others. I've opened the door and confronted some of these strangers in halls. If they are up to no good, they totally lie to your face about who they are. You can tell they are lying too, and they know that you know, they are lying, and they don't care. Some of them think its funny. I asked this one guy who he was and he said he was an inspector. I sorta knew it was a lie. A couple days later I'm goin to work and there he is again, with this guy Keith that I know is with Fortune East, and they are working together. Sometimes quiet observation, even through a peep hole gets you more accurate information about what is REALLY goin on.

    1. (East 4th Anonymous) I gotta agree with Stardust. These people are full of lies and deception. They are out to get all the rent stabilized evicted by any means necessary. You can't trust em. We ain't dealing with people that have integrity or a moral compass. Don't forget, Ben Shaoul was partnered with the construction co that had the crane accident on E 51st that killed seven people.

  5. i say call the police at every sighting of this type of person. it is their job to keep the public safe and if this guy is not a tenant then call 911 IMMEDIATELY and report an unauthorized person trying to gain access. this is NOT crying wolf. you have no idea what this guy's intentions are.

  6. wow that is unnerving. my heart goes out to you people. good of you to document. how much info can this guy get from a closed door? what is he writing? jeez does he look like he was hired to do the dirty work or WHAT!
    and yes - call the police - and yes - every week.
