We are two tenant associations who joined together to defend ourselves against a corporate real estate investment hydra that seeks to expel us from our homes in order to maximize their profits.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

More Fire

At 11:15 this morning we had another fire scare. 
Three fire trucks pulled up in front of 118 and 120 East 4th Street. 

The incident was in 120. Again. This quote from a TA member residing at 120 will describe the situation. 

Speaking of incompetence. From Ben Shaoul, Magnum Mgmt, and Fortune East the flow of incompetence is relentless, and seemingly never ending. We NEVER had any of the problems described in the blog before Mr. Shaoul and his partners purchased our buildings.  We used to have a super that lived in 120. He was removed from his apartment so that Fortune East could squeeze out as much profit as they can from these buildings. When our Super lived here he would nip these problems in the bud. There would have been no need of all those fire trucks if he still lived here. Such a waste of taxpayers hard-earned dollars. We are very grateful to the NYC Fire Dept for their quick response.

Do Not rent from Ben Shaoul, Magnum Real Estate, Fortune East, or PVE Assoc. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, we used to have our Super living here, and it made such a difference to the quality of life. Things went down hill fast after Mr. Shaoul and his Fortune East cohorts removed the Super. Now it seems like there are police and fire fighters here every month for nonsense. Nonsense the super would have taken care of in a flash.
