We are two tenant associations who joined together to defend ourselves against a corporate real estate investment hydra that seeks to expel us from our homes in order to maximize their profits.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Choices: Colors and Cattle Pens

Could these multi-colored stripes at 120 East Fourth indicate Fortune East/Magnum in the process of choosing a new color for the building's exterior? For a company whose interior color-decor uniformly includes only light gray, dark gray, and black, it is unlikely they mean to keep all these colors on the facade.

However, no expert color-choice could change the oppressive feeling of the courtyard at 118 East Fourth. Long ago there was a tree here, and the call of bluejays. Fortune East/Magnum, according to their want, has made it into denuded, subdivided, unpleasant tiny pens that they advertise to prospective tenants as "exclusive outdoor patio/space/private courtyards". Only cattle or other prisoners would recognize these as the outdoors.


  1. I'm so glad I found your blog. I walk by your building everyday. I was wondering about those funky colors. Maybe funky is too colorful a word for those colors. LOL! That part of the block has been covered in sheetrock dust and garbage, a non stop garbage demolition truck and.... just Shit, for like a year! Its great to read your blog and find out what is really goin on inside. It broke my heart to read that page on Rocky and his sister. How is he doing? Keep up the fight. Don't let the bastards get you down.

  2. Those do look like cattle pens in a stockyard. Is that where they slaughter the working class and the rent stabilized?

    1. Dear Stardust,
      We don't know for a fact that slaughter has occurred, but lots of tenants did disappear, and no one has been checking those bags of debris the workmen have been carrying out of the buildings.

  3. Since they painted the indoor hallways about eight times, I figure they're looking for another unnecessary task to perform just to have the constant disruptive presence --- the doors blocked open and a parade of noisy drones dropping paint buckets.
